Convert your Library into a Modern Smart Library

Package Nexus contact-free Smart Locker systems for Libraries provide innovative book Pickup and/or Drop-Off options for all your associates and patrons.

A locker system that could provide a contact-free library transaction was considered out of reach for many reasons, but today, it’s a reality that cannot be ignored. Package Nexus Smart Library Lockers offer your library staff and patrons unique and innovative functionality like no other Library Smart Lockers.

Smart Pickup Lockers for your Smart Library

With Package Nexus Smart Lockers in your library, you’ll be able to provide your patrons convenient 24/7 access to their books and other items regardless of your library hours. Patrons can open the right locker compartment using their Smart Phones or by entering a code without even knowing which locker door to open. It’s that simple.

Choose the Right Location for your Smart Library Pickup Lockers

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Library District – WA

Package Nexus offers True
Indoor & Outdoor Smart Lockers

Many libraries across the globe have reduced their hours to stay within their budget and to react to complications from Covid-19. This has put extra strains on their patrons and forced then to adjust their busy lifestyles according to this new reality. By implementing Outdoor Smart Library Lockers from Package Nexus, you will meet and exceed your patron’s expectation by offering them yet another easy option to use your library services around the clock, without putting unnecessary burden on your budget. Now that’s smart and convenient.

Get a Free Contactless Locker Quote

Benefits of Smart Library Lockers

  • Convenient and around the clock access to library items for every patron
  • Smart Library Lockers can improve patron’s satisfaction by reducing the queue at the library desk
  • Notify patrons immediately by text and/or email when their item is available for pickup
  • Indoor or outdoor Smart Library Lockers
  • Automate book returns
  • Comprehensive audit log of every transaction
Why Package Nexus?
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Extra Benefits of Package Nexus Smart Library Lockers

  • Anyone can sell you a locker but it doesn’t necessarily mean you buy a True Smart Library Locker System
  • Package Nexus offers the Only Smart Library Locker Solution that sports a fully automated Workflow with the highest possible ROI
  • Package Nexus is proud to offer the only and Patented Solution that automatically overcomes Library Associates and Patron’s deviations from Happy Path Workflows
  • Package Nexus is the Only Company that can Truly make your staff happy by allowing them to drop off the items and forget about them
  • Package Nexus Smart Lockers is the Only Smart Library Solution that allows your patrons to leave the items in the Smart Locker, go inside the library and then re-open the locker on their way home
Why Package Nexus?

Plain or Custom Graphics

Whether you like to be fancy or not, Package Nexus can deliver stat-of-the-art and durable Power Coating finish or wrap the lockers with your custom graphics with top of the line 3M vinyl to convey certain message and invite patrons to use your library services.

Modernize Your Library with limited amount of investment

Take a Giant Leap Forward with Package Nexus Smart Library Lockers

Several government studies have shown that despite more people finding information online, residents are still interested in preserving libraries as key components to community growth and development. A recent survey from Pew Research Center revealed 65 percent of residents of age 16 and older felt closing their local public library would have a major impact on their community. Therefore, it is in the best interest of municipalities to modernize libraries to ensure they offer a sustainable benefit to the community.

Partner up with Package Nexus to modernize your library

Get a Free Contactless Locker Quote
Plain or Custom Graphics

Package Nexus is the global technology leader and provider of The World's Most Advanced Smart Parcel Lockers for efficient and most simplified package management for multifamily communities, retailers, universities, libraries, corporate offices, groceries, and more. Package Nexus unique and patented technology offers a fix for human errors at the time of package deliveries and pickups. Package Nexus solutions help property, store, and office managers to improve their operations, reduce operating costs, and increase customer satisfaction at the same time. Package Nexus offers its entire suite of solutions globally.